C (52/301)

From:Fabrice Rousselot -- Paris
Date:02 Aug 99 at 09:03:10

From: Fabrice Rousselot -- Paris <faro@sybase.com>


I'd like to make a .device file but dunno how to do it in C, as it's been a very
long time that I didn't do some asm, I'd like to know how I could do that file in
C, what is the source structure (function table and other stuff of the .device),
and how I can compile that with SAS C 6.58.


PS: I already found something in Aminet but it's not clear for me.

Fabrice Rousselot
System Administrator
Sybase, France
Phone : (+33) 1 41 90 42 94
Fax : (+33) 1 41 90 40 01